Lightning – How to Add lightning:input to lightning:recordEditForm

I'm building out a question answer component where certain answers will have specific input types and it would be nice to set some key parameters of the input field yet still use the lightning:recordEditForm component. In particular, I am branching off between a text input or a numeric input where the numeric field has min/max values. I can add those parameters to an lightning:inputField but they dont do anything. I can use a lightning:input an the min max works, but it doesnt save. Any idea on how to mix the two?

<lightning:recordEditForm aura:id="caseQuestionAnswer"

    <aura:if isTrue="{!empty(v.question.Application_Question__r.Min__c)}">
        <lightning:inputField fieldName="Answer__c" aura:id="caseQuestionAnswer"/>
        <aura:set attribute="else">
            <lightning:input type="number" fieldName="Value__c" aura:id="caseQuestionValue" min="{!v.question.Application_Question__r.Min__c}" max="{!v.question.Application_Question__r.Max__c}"/>
    <lightning:button aura:id="submit" type="submit" label="Save Answer" class="slds-m-top_medium"/>

Best Answer

The best thing to do for your specific scenario is to 'hide' the lightning:inputField and add a lightning:input, similar to what Uwe Mentioned, however, you dont really need to do anything with the lightning:inputField, you will simply need it to load the data associated to it and to be able to Save the field value on form submission. For Example:

<lightning:recordEditForm aura:id="recordEditForm"

    <lightning:messages />

     <lightning:inputField aura:id="subject" fieldName="Subject" style="display:none;"/>
     <lightning:input label="Subject" name="Case Subject" onblur="{!c.itemsChange}"/>

     <lightning:button aura:id="submit" type="submit" label="Create Case" class="slds-m-top_medium"/>


When you submit your form, use the onsubmit event to fetch the field value form the input field (not the lighntning:inputField) and assign it to the fields object:

event.getParams().fields.FieldName= //Get Value Here//;