[SalesForce] How to automate/schedule data import to Marketing Cloud from Salesforce Report

Good day.
I have a dynamic Salesforce report I want to import to Marketing Cloud (MC) as a data extension (DE).

MC allows you to do this via Email->Interactions->Activities->Import. The challenge is to keep the DE up to date in MC.enter image description here

Is there a way to schedule import or create an automation that will trigger the update of existing activity?
Is there a better way to SF import report data to MC DE and keep it up to date?

Best Answer

Yes. You can do this with Automation Studio. Since your interaction is not triggered by an FTP file drop, you have have to schedule an hourly import job in automation studio. Go to automation studio, drag import to the canvas and select the import activity saved. Then go to schedule and determine how frequently you want this to run. The most regular you can have it is hourly.

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