[SalesForce] How to control chatter feed posts visibility on a record in SF

I have customers, partners & employee users, each with their own profile. All 3 of them update the same chatter feed on a record. I want customers to only see what employees post, employees to see what both partners & employees post and for partners to only see what employees post.

How can I achieve this requirement?

Best Answer

Internal Employees can restrict the visibility of the post in Chatter feed that is either of the following:

  • Organization users
  • All with Access

For Customers and Partners do not have this option to restrict the visibility.

Partner User post

So, a record is accessible by Customer, partner and employee then if Customer or Partner posts on chatter feed then Customer and partner can see the post.

Following picture shows how Customer, partner and employee can see the post.

Post visibility

Finally, your requirement cannot be achieved by OOTB.