[SalesForce] How To Convert result into Date in Javascript

public class MyCustomController1

public class studObjectwrap
     {public String D_ob{get;set;}}

public static String createRecord(String jsonObjResult){  
//Some Code od Json Deserialization
Student__c st=new Student__c();
//Converting Date Into Salesforce Date Format i.e MM/DD/YYYY
          String strTest = sc.D_ob;
          String[] arrTest = strTest.split('-');
          String datetosend=arrTest[1]+'/'+arrTest[2]+'/'+arrTest[0];
         //Parsed into Date
          st.DOB__c= date.parse(sc.D_ob);

    public static Student__c fetchRecord()
        Student__c student=[
                            SELECT DOB__c
                            FROM Student__c 
                            order by CreatedDate desc limit 1
        return student;

//VisualForce Page

function fetchRecord() {     

function handlefetchStudent(result,event){
         if(event.type == 'exception') {
          } else {

//but date stored as 1/1/2017 in salesforce org i want same date how to do it?

//Output on console=1483228800000

Best Answer

The field is being written out in epoch time (the number of millseconds since January 1st, 1970). To get it back to a normal date, use the Date constructor:

console.log(new Date(result.DOB__c));

You could have also avoided this issue by serializing the result into JSON before returning, and deserializing afterwards:

@RemoteAction public static String fetchRecord() {
    // ...
    return JSON.serialize(student);

// ... In JS