[SalesForce] How to create a CommandButton with a dropdown

Is it possible, and what would be the approach, to create an apex:commandButton which displays a dropdown when clicked, in the same fashion as the Manage Members button on the Campaign object:

enter image description here

I'm comfortable with writing the logic behind the button but it's the actual display I'm not sure how to start. Is there a Salesforce native way of doing this or should I be looking at something javascript/jQuery?

To clarify the dropdown list I would list to be dynamic. I've just been looking at this approach, and it works BUT I need the drop down/apex:commandLinks to be dynamically generated:

More detail:

I want to add a button to a custom product entry screen which will add a group of Products as OpportunityLineItems, however the Products are categorised by year and the choice will be one of the years or all of them (not a mixture of years).

Just found an idea for it:

Best Answer

I think there is no Visualforce element that can do this.

You can use semantic-ui dropdown that looks like have a specification with what you looking for.