[SalesForce] how to create a custom button for a custom object on a related list

I have an custom object and it has a look up relationship to Quote .Now i would like to create a custom button as "Edit All" and display it on related list..The functionality of the button should be as ,once the user clicks on the Edit all button the related records should get displayed.(Similar like QuoteLineItem – EditAll button functionality).

I have created a custom button ,on the custom object – 1)label & Name as "EDIT ALL" ,2)Type :ListButton ,3)behaviour as :Display in existing window side bar 4)Content Source:URL 5)given an url as:https://cs10.salesforce.com/a04.

Now what im facing is when i click on the custom button it should show only the related records to particular parent record,but i get all the records displayed of the child object(i.e custom object).Any suggestion plz.

Best Answer

A typical pattern to implement an requirement like that is to create a Visualforce Page along with an APEX controller. Just navigating to the related object will not work.

You also can't use Views, because unlike Reports you can't bypass url-parameters as filter criteria:

There are also some Apps out for this, e. g.:

Closest thing you can get without App and without writing code seem to be the workaround mentioned by @KeithC. The URL pattern looks like


It consists of the following components:

  • a04 is the keyprefix of the child entity
  • rlid is the Related List Id which Salesforce provides automatically. This will vary an may be only obtainable using the "Go to list" link. The link is only visible, if you have more related items than the current threshold (controlled by e.g. &rowsperlist=10 on the Object View of the master item or by the Always show me viewer / more records per related list).
  • id is the record id of the master object

Keep in mind that you may end up in hardcoding some Ids in the link. That may break you button when deploying it to different Orgs.

So as a conclusion, I would strongly advocate using either an App or a Visualforce Page for Bulk editing.