[SalesForce] How to create master detail object that is attached to both a lead and contact

Using an Ajax email handler we have created an object that contains the transcript from a mibew.org chat.

If the contact exists in our database the transcript is attached as an object (and on the contact record as a related list)

If the contact is not in the database the transcript is attached as an object to a new lead.

But upon conversion of that lead, how do we insure that the transcript moves from the lead to the contact?

Or to put it another way –

We want to create a lead that is linked to a chat transcript object & when it is converted the transcript remains linked to the record.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Basically, you cannot create a master-detail relationship in which the User or Lead objects are the master, see,

Relationships Among Objects


Also, a idea about this,

Ability to create Master-Detail relationships from Custom Objects to Leads
