[SalesForce] how to customize the Email sent to the user from docusign salesforce

how can i customize the email sent to the customer with my company logo and my own custom text to the customer to view.

enter image description here

Javascript button :

var OCO='Send';
var DST = '3943779D-16CB-4EBB-8C6F-0ADC7E983A8E ';
var CEM='Dear {!Contact.FirstName},{!Contact.LastName}';
var CES='Re: Opportunity Name: {!Opportunity.Name}';
window.location.href ="/apex/dsfs__DocuSign_CreateEnvelope?DSEID=0&SourceID={!Opportunity.Id}&OCO="+OCO+"&DST="+DST+"&CEM="+CEM+"&CES="+CES;

when i am assigning the Docusign Template Id From the Portal :

I am getting the below Error:

enter image description here

Best Answer

I know that you can add branding to your account. This means that you can at least change the logo and color scheme. (I did not find any way to add custom text)

This link explains how to do that: Docusign documentation

In short: Go to your account preferences and find the topic "branding" there you can create different brands that you want to use and do some customisation.

Edit: In salesforce you can then use the id of that templateid to set the brand for the email you want to send. And even add a custom email. For info: docusign-for-salesforce-custom-button-logic.pdf

// DocuSign Template ID (default no template) 
DST = '67870A79-A0B5-4596-8AC1-CC7CC1EA01EB';
// Custom Email Message (default in config) 
CEM = 'Envelope sent by [FirstName] [LastName] ([Email])!' 

The same is possible via SOAP or REST if you want to use the API. Look for the "createandsendenvelope" function in the documentation here: API Overview

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