[SalesForce] How to delete a Lightning Web Component

I'm trying to delete new Lightning Web Component without any luck.

I've tried to find it in Dev Console, but as you know it doesn't support Lightning Web Components yet. Another way I've tried to delete my lwc in VS Code and just deploy source to sandbox, but it still there in my sandbox org and I can see it in Lightning App Builder and when I try to retrieve source I see this error

ERROR:  Cannot read property 'fileName' of undefined.

But as mentioned here this should be fixed tomorrow https://github.com/forcedotcom/cli/issues/33

So for now I have it in org but don't have in VS Code.

Is there any sfdx command something like

sfdx force:lightning:lwc:delete -someflag lwcName


Best Answer

Assuming you have already set up Visual Studio Code and installed the necessary extensions: Salesforce VS Code Extensions

It is as easy as right click the folder in VS Code to delete > SFDX: Delete From Project and Org

SFDX: Delete From Project and Org

Note: If you accidentally renamed your LWC in VS Code and pushed it into your org (e.g. Renamed "LWC_Eample" to "LWC_Example"), the old LWC "LWC_Eample" will still be visible in your SFDC org but not present in your VS Code.

If this happens, go to your VS code project, Right Click your "Manifest > Package.xml" > Retrieve Source in Manifest from Org.

Presto, your old LWC "LWC_Eample" will appear in VS code. Then you can proceed to SFDX: Delete From Project and Org