[SalesForce] How to deserialize the JSON string into List

I have the following code:


[\"a1mf0000000TU00AAG\", \"a1mf0000000TTzvAAG\", \"a1mf0000000KGFsAAO\"]"

This is a JSON.stringify of a JavaScript array. It contains record IDs which I want to assign to a List called recordIdList in my apex controller.


system.debug('Passed in value: '+ recordIdListJSON);
recordIdList = (List<String>)System.JSON.deserialize(recordIdListJSON,List<String>.class);
system.debug('Deserialized to: ' + recordIdList);

This is how I am trying to do it currently, but I'm getting the following error in the dev console logs:

FATAL_ERROR System.JSONException: Malformed JSON: Expected '[' at the beginning of List/Set

Can anybody tell me where I'm going wrong? Thanks!

Best Answer

I think you just need to sort out how you are defining your serialised string. Try this:

String recordIdListJSON = '[\"a1mf0000000TU00AAG\", \"a1mf0000000TTzvAAG\", \"a1mf0000000KGFsAAO\"]';

I've defined it with single quotes around the string - this works for the rest of your code and outputs the correct deserialised values.