[SalesForce] How to display ‘%’ with only one decimal

I have an outputText where I display value from a controller.
This is what I am currently using:

<apex:outputText value="{0,number,###.0}"> 
  <apex:param value="{!IF(ISNUMBER(test__c),test__c,'')}" />

If at all there a value in test__c, that value is displayed.
For Example: if value is 12.432 then its is shown as 12.4

This works well for me.
But now how can I add a suffix % to the outputText? i.e. I need the value as 12.4%

Best Answer

The % character is supported as part of the outputText format.

You can use syntax like this to achieve the formatting you want

<apex:outputText value="{0, number, ###.0%}">
    <apex:param value=".....your value here...."/>