[SalesForce] How to do oAuth within Visualforce and be redirected back to the visual force page


Ok, so first lesson, do not stay up to late

Second for those that may need:

  1. First URL needs to end in authorization
    This returns a CODE
  2. the second needs to be an HTTPRequest with response with the url ending in token
    This will return the appropriate results.

Oh, and set your callback to https://na1.salesforce.com/apex/pagename


I go the original stuff worked out now the issue is that I need to have the callback url be a visual force page that could be on any instance

Right now I have it set to:


it does take me to the page but will not pass along the results of the oAuth

if I changed the call back url to:


the parameters are there.

As with any managed package it could be installed on any instance so how the heck do I get it to return the the users instance / package page / along with the results of the oAuth…

I need to authorize a connected app that is 100% native inside of salesforce.

That part I got down.


I end up at the the redirect URL of https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/success which just displays "Remote Access Authorized" or something like that….

I need the refresh token, so how do I get the user redirected back to the visual force page to capture the refresh token?

I must be missing something simple…..

Keep in mind that the page could be on any instance…..

Best Answer

Mention the redirect URL as your visuslforce page only instead of oauth success url.The VF Url will have access token that you can get using apexpages.currentpage.parameters.get('refresh token')