[SalesForce] How to execute an SOQL query written in Apex

I'm trying to finish a challange of the Write SOQL Queries Trailhead Unit. Problem description says:

For this challenge, you will need to create a class that has a method
accepting two strings. The method searches for contacts that have a
last name matching the first string and a mailing postal code (API
name: MailingPostalCode) matching the second. It gets the ID and Name
of those contacts and returns them.

I created an Apex class:

public class ContactSearch {
    public static List<Contacts> searchForContacts(String lastname, String Postalcode){
        List<Contacts> contacts[select ID,Name FORM contact WHERE LastName=:lastname AND Mailingpostalcode=:Postlecode];
        return Contacts;

But I'm unable to write an anonymous apex script to execute this. Any help?

Best Answer

The following code will solve your problem:

public class ContactSearch {
    public static List<Contact> searchForContacts(String lastName, String mailingPostalCode) {
        List<Contact> retList = [SELECT Id, Name, LastName, MailingPostalCode
                                 FROM Contact
                                 WHERE LastName = :lastName AND MailingPostalCode = :mailingPostalCode];
        return retList;

Let's view it line-by-line:

public class ContactSearch

This is just a class definition. Public says that this class is in public scope

public static List<Contact> searchForContacts(String lastName, String mailingPostalCode)

This is method declaration. Again, public keyword makes this method public accessible(public scope).
Static means that this method is class-method(static-method) and not instance-method. Difference is that for instance-method you would omit static keyword, but you would need an instance of that class to call this method.
List<Contact> is return type of the method. It means that this method will return a List of Contact objects.
searchForContacts is method name, use it to call this method.
String lastName, String mailingPostalCode are parameters that are expected by this method.

List<Contact> retList = [SELECT Id, Name, LastName, MailingPostalCode
                                 FROM Contact
                                 WHERE LastName = :lastName AND MailingPostalCode = :mailingPostalCode];

This line assigns the result of the query to retList variable.
List<Contact> retList makes a variable with name retList of type List<Contact>.
SELECT Id, Name, LastName, MailingPostalCode FROM Contact is a simple query that will return all contacts. However, you only need the ones that match given parameters, so the next line of the query is:
WHERE LastName = :lastName AND MailingPostalCode = :mailingPostalCode
This adds a filter to the query, so that it will only return results which match LastName and MailingPostalCode with given parameters.

Note the : in the query before the parameters:

If you want to use variables in your query, they should have : in front. That tells your code that it's not the value to be searched for, but a variable from the code

return retList; will return the list of matching contacts that you just found

update: alternativly, instead of creating a retList variable, you could immediately return the query. Like this:

public class ContactSearch {
        public static List<Contact> searchForContacts(String lastName, String mailingPostalCode) {
            return [SELECT Id, Name, LastName, MailingPostalCode
                                     FROM Contact
                                     WHERE LastName = :lastName AND MailingPostalCode = :mailingPostalCode];
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