[SalesForce] How to format phone number in a lightning web component without click to dial behavior

I'm trying to show a phone number to a user, in a lightning web component, so that when they click on the number, it populates an input box.

LWCs have the lightning-formatted-phone component, however clicking on this triggers a click-to-dial event.

The specification for the component says it has a "click" method, but doing this:


Doesn't fire myHandler in the component, so I can't stopPropagation() nor preventDefault().

My question is how can I show a formatted phone number in a LWC with custom click behavior? Can this be achieved with the standard formatted phone input, or is there another Salesforce-y way to do this?

Best Answer

The click-to-dial event is coming from the standard HTML protocol tel:. Your browser is looking for it and if available it tries to dial that phone number when you click on it. The <lightning-formatted-phone> component looks like so when it builds in the browser:

enter image description here

tel: is not so much a feature as it is a protocol, much in the same way that http: and mailto: are protocols for the tag feature

Source and Source2.

In order to prevent the click-to-dial action you need to get rid of the tel: part of the <a> element. Since this is an out of the box component provided by Salesforce this functionality is internally handled and you can't modify it.

What you need to do, in order to prevent this from happening, is format the phone number yourself using a standard html element such as a <span> or a <div>.

I put a playground together to show you how you can easily mimic what the SF component does. You can check it out here.

All you have to do is add a <span> element and style it like so:


<span class="phone-link" onclick={myHandler}>+18005551212</span>


.phone-link {
    color: #006dcc;
    cursor: pointer;
.phone-link:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;

However a potential complexity for you could be the formatting of the phone number yourself using JavaScript.