[SalesForce] How to generate enterprise WSDL files from salesforce

I need to generate enterprise WSDL file in salesForce, but I don't see this option in
Setup -> Develop -> API.

I just see a page telling me for more information visit http://developer.salesforce.com.
I'm using 30 day trial, would that be the problem?

Best Answer

Trial version accounts do not provide WSDL. You need to have developer or enterprise account to generate WSDL for your environment.

If you are not able to see it in the options then it might be because you may not be logged in as admin or with Modify All Data permission and that might be stopping you from generating the WSDL. Else the procedure is quite direct Setup->Develop->API->Select the type of WSDL you wish to generate. Attaching an snapshot for the same

enter image description here