[SalesForce] How to generate JSON for wrapper class methods

I am using code like below

global with sharing class ClassA 
    global static void createSomething(Wrapper1 req)
        System.debug('###stringVar1 :' + req.stringVar1);
        System.debug('###stringVar2:' + req.stringVar2);
        System.debug('###Wrapper2:' + req.Wrapper2);

        Object__c obj = new Object__c();
        obj.fld1 = req.stringVar1;
        obj.fld2 = req.stringVar2;
        insert obj;

        List<Object2__c> surveyQuestionsRespList = new List<Object2__c>();
        for(Wrapper2 question : req.Wrapper2)
            Object2__c obj2 = new Object2__c();
            obj2.fld4 = question.response;
            obj2.fld3 = question.someId;
            obj2.Object__c = obj.Id;
        insert surveyQuestionsRespList;                

    global with sharing class Wrapper1
        public String stringVar1{get;set;}
        public String stringVar2{get;set;}
        public List<Wrapper2> Wrapper2{get;set;}        

    global with sharing class Wrapper2
        public String someId{get;set;}
        public String response{get;set;}

How can I generate JSON for this class. Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You don't need to do anything "special"; just read the classes from front to back, and write the JSON as you go:

{ "stringVar1": "Value1",
  "stringVar2": "Value2",
  "Wrapper2": [
     { "someId": "Value3",
       "response": "Value4"

You can confirm that you wrote the correct JSON by using json2apex; it should match your original class definitions almost exactly:

public class JSON2Apex {

    public String stringVar1;
    public String stringVar2;
    public List<Wrapper2> Wrapper2;

    public class Wrapper2 {
        public String someId;
        public String response;
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