[SalesForce] How to get missing Buttons “Reply”, “Reply All”, “Forward” on Emails at the Activity Tab in Lightning Experience

I'm working on hundreds of different orgs. Some of them have those buttons, other not. How can I get them on all orgs? (In the screenshots see right side in the bottom of each email.)


enter image description here


enter image description here

What have I tried so far?

A) I found https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000257353&type=1

If, however, the 'Reply,' 'Reply All,' or 'Forward' buttons are not
present on the records in the Activity timeline, the 'Send Email'
global action may not have been added as a Global Action on the page
layout of the the entity in question.

I have a "Send Email" Global Action on the layout. A small difference might be, that I have renamed the out-of-the-box Global Action "Send Email" now having a slightly differen API name elfBCSendEmail instead of just SendEmail.

B) This seems also not to be a solution: "Reply to and Forward Emails Right from Salesforce"

Best Answer

I don't know what led me to try this, but adding the Send Email action to our Global Publisher Layout did the trick for me.