[SalesForce] How to get multi-select picklist values to display on line indents on visualforce page

So I have a multi-select picklist with 4 possible values on it. I would like to have them displayed on the custom visual force page I am making on line indents (li) rather than seperated with a semicolon. I have tried using the substitute function to replace ; with li but it does not appear to work. the substitute function works with br and will show it on a new line, but is there a way to do this that will allow the multi-select to be displayed on bullet points?

Here is the following line of the visualforce page that will display the pick list:

<li><apex:outputText escape="false" value="{!SUBSTITUTE(Loan_Proposal__c.Standard_Conditions__c,';','<li/>')}"/></li>

Best Answer

I tried in my de and it works . Just replace with 'Opportunity.Other_Delivery_Locations__c' your custom field :

<apex:outputText escape="false" value="<li>{!SUBSTITUTE(Opportunity.Other_Delivery_Locations__c,';','<li/>')}"/>

The output in my screen looks like this

  • Australia - AU
  • New Zealand - NZ
  • United States - US