[SalesForce] How to get value from dictionary in lwc

I am attempting to dynamically pull an array via a dictionary in lwc. I am new to lwc and javascript and am having trouble getting the objects to transfer data between components.

My code is as follows:

data js

export const sectionsAndFields = {
    'Approval': [{'value':1},{'value':2},{'value':3}],
    'list_2': [{'value':4},{'value':5},{'value':6}]

reader js

import { LightningElement, api } from "lwc";
import { sectionsAndFields } from "c/data";

export default class FinancialPlanFieldFinderLayout extends LightningElement {
  @api displaymarker;
  sectionsAndFields = sectionsAndFields;
  keyer = sectionsAndFields[this.displaymarker];

  get displayMarkerGetSet() {
    return this._displaymarker;
  set displayMarkerGetSet(value) {
    this.setAttribute("displaymarker", value);
    this._displaymarker = value;

reader html

  <lightning-card title={displaymarker}>
      <div>displaymarker: {displaymarker}</div>
      <div>keyer: {keyer}</div>
      <div>sectionsAndFields: {sectionsAndFields}</div>
      <div>sectionsAndFields data: {sectionsAndFields.data}</div>

Of the values rendered in the reader html, I get the following:

  • {displaymarker} renders Approval (the default value from a parent
  • {keyer} renders nothing
  • {sectionsAndFields} renders [object Object]
  • {sectionsAndFields.data} renders nothing

What I expected to happen was as follows:

  • {keyer} renders [{'value':1},{'value':2},{'value':3}] (from data.js)
  • {sectionsAndFields} renders [object Object]
  • {sectionsAndFields.data} renders [{'value':1},{'value':2},{'value':3}] (from data.js)

Can someone help me understand why {keyer} and {sectionsAndFields.data} are returning null, and how to correct this so as to get the dictionary value from the input key?

Best Answer

Few things,

1) There is no data attribute in data.js sectionsAndFields . The two attribute it has is Approval and list_2. So when you try to access data in markup as

<div>sectionsAndFields data: {sectionsAndFields.data}</div> would return nothing.

fix: Use Approval or list_2 as key.

<div>sectionsAndFields data: {sectionsAndFields.Approval}</div>

2) keyer should be getter as its dependent on input, had it been hardcoded values, You can just use as it like

keyer = sectionsAndFields['Approval'] and it would work. But our case is to use dynamic values, hence getter seems better option.

get keyer(){
      return this.sectionsAndFields[this.displaymarker];

Playground Link : https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/component-library/tools/playground/EyWz26Ub/7/edit

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