[SalesForce] How to give background color to button in lightning components

I am not able to give background color to buttons below.please help
enter image description here

Best Answer

You haven't closed the quotes in the ui:inputText field. Also, there's spelling mistake in the ui:inputText


<ui:inputText label="enter name"/> 
    <ui:button label="PROGRAMS" class="customButton" /> 
    <ui:button label="Learning" class="customButton" /> 
    <ui:button label="Training" class="customButton" /> 
    <ui:button label="Contacts" class="customButton" /> 
    <ui:button label="SUPPORT" class="customButton" /> 


.THIS .customButton{
   background-color: #2574a9;
   color: #fff; 

Result: Result

You may modify the styling as per your requirement.