[SalesForce] How to implement validation rule on multi select picklist

Suppose i have a multi select picklist which has 30 items. Now i have to put a validation rule that "user can't choose all the items from picklist. Atleast one item should be available in available list."

How can i implement this validation.

I know i can do like " AND(INCLUDES(item_c,'1'),INCLUDES(item_c,'2'),INCLUDES(item__c,'3'),…. etc) for all values but i don't want to follow this approach as i will have to hard code all the values.

Best Answer

What you're asking can't be accomplished through a validation rule, without hand coding every value like you suggested.

On the other hand this could very easily be accomplished with a before update trigger that looks something like this:

trigger MyTrigger on MyObject__c (before update)
    //this variable could also be gotten through use of the system describe methods
    Integer totalPicklistItems = 30;

    for(MyObject__c obj : Trigger.new)
        if(obj.MultiSelectField__c != null && obj.MultiSelectField__c != '')
            //split picklist into list
            String[] selectedValues = obj.MultiSelectField__c.split(';', 0);

            //check if the selected selected values are less than 1 or equal to the
            //total picklist items to add an error
            if(selectedValues.size() < 1 || selectedValues.size() == totalPicklistItems)
                obj.MultiSelectField__c.addError('You must select at least 1 value but not all values.');
            obj.MultiSelectField__c.addError('You must select at least 1 value.');
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