[SalesForce] How to join User, GroupMember and Group in SOQL

How can I return User.Email and Group.Name from SOQL?

I want the group names and the email addresses of their members from a query like:

SELECT User.Id, User.Email, Group.Name from User
  (SELECT UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember WHERE Group.Name IN ('Group A', 'Group B'))

Obviously my query is incorrect but I can't see how.

Best Answer

Well, it's actually a problem with concepts. The thing is you're trying to bring User records, but in them a Group field that doesn't actually exist.

Check the User API

After having obtained the users, if you were to obtain the group to which the user belongs, you can achieve it through different paths:

  1. The first is to make one query for each group, that way you will have different lists of users, having each list the users of that specific group:

    List<User>  groupAUsers = [SELECT User.Id, User.Email FROMUser WHERE Id IN (SELECT UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember WHERE Group.Name = 'GROUP A)]`
  2. The second option, and the desired one in case you want to perform this with many groups, is to first query for the Users and map them by Id. Afterwards query GroupMembers filtered by the previous user list. Then just play with your data as desired.

    // Get the users.
    User[] users = [SELECT User.Id, User.Email FROM User WHERE Id IN (SELECT UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember WHERE Group.Name IN ('Group A', 'Group B'))];
    // Get the Ids.
    Id[] userIds = new List<Id>(new Map<Id, User>(users).keySet());
    // And now thet the groupmembers.
    GroupMember[] groupMembers = [SELECT Group.Name, UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember WHERE UserOrGroupId IN :users];