[SalesForce] How to JSENCODE from an apex controller

I select a list of sObjects in my controller then pass directly to my visualforce page where I render out as a javascript object. I can't use JSENCODE in the visualforce page because I need the serialized object to be rendered as a JS Object. Instead, I think I need to iterate through the values in Apex and make sure they are encoded to protect against XSS. Any recommendations on the proper way to do this?


    recipientList = Database.query('select Id, Name, Email from Contact where AccountId=\'' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(originObjectIdString) + '\' and Contact.Name!=Null and Contact.Email!=Null');

serializedRecipientOptions =

VF Page

<script type='text/javascript'>
var myEscapedObject = {
serializedRecipientOptions: {!

I was thinking something like this in the controller code (except this doesn't work because JSENCODE is not defined in the controller)

List<sObject> escapedRecipientList = new List<sObject>();
            for(sObject ind_recipient:recipientList){
                ind_recipient.Id = JSENCODE(ind_recipient.Id);
                ind_recipient.Name = JSENCODE(ind_recipient.Name);
                ind_recipient.Email = JSENCODE(ind_recipient.Email);
            return escapedRecipientList;

Any ideas?

Best Answer

You can use JSENCODE in tandem with the built-in Javascript method JSON.parse.

var myEscapedObject = JSON.parse("{!JSENCODE(serializedOptions)}");