[SalesForce] How to Login as a Contact’s Portal User to Force.com Site that uses Customer Portal for authentication

On the Contact detail page there is a Work With Portal -> Login As Portal User button when the Customer Portal is enabled. I have a Force.com Site that uses Customer Portal for authentication. When an internal SF user clicks on that button link it takes them to the unbranded standard SF portal. I would like it to log them in to the skinned site. How can that be done? I didn't find any documentation on this, but maybe I just missed it.

I tried just copying and pasting in the url of the secure site after clicking the Login As Portal button link, but I guess a different cookie is used or something because it didn't recognize that I was logged in.

To be clear, it is this button on the Contact page. The desired functionality is that the internal user that has access to the Contact can log in to the Force.com Site that uses Customer Portal for the authentication. I'm not asking how to use set up Force.com Sites + Customer Portal for a skinned log in. It's the logging in as the Contact user to the skinned site that that I'm interested in.

Login As Portal


Best Answer

I did this on our site. I made a homepage component and assigned it to the customer portal home page. It's just a link to /apex/thepageyouwanttostarton.

So the process is login-as, click the link, then you're on the page you wanted.

The catch here is that the internal logging-in-as user is the only one whoever sees this because the customers log in from the site, never hitting the actual portal home page.

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