[SalesForce] How to make a custom label display ‘nothing’

I have a series of custom labels on a Visualforce page. Not all of the custom labels are required for all languages.

I need to be able to set the custom label to something that will not display anything visible to the user if their language does not require anything to be displayed.

As the text of the label is required, I can't leave it blank. I've also tried just entering whitespace, but that fails validation too. I've tried setting it to  , but that markup is escaped when rendered.

Is there a way to do this without using a magic string and then deciding to render the label based on whether or not the label's text matches the magic string?

Best Answer

I managed to do this in Windows using " " (Alt+255); it appears as just a space of the non-breaking variety. You may need to consult your OS's manual to figure out how to type this character in your OS, or you can copy and paste the space from this post.