[SalesForce] How to monitor Platform Events consumption

According to SU17 release notes there are the following Daily/Hourly limits for Platform events:

  • Maximum number of events published per hour
  • Maximum number of events delivered to CometD clients within a 24-hour period

Where can I see the number of consumed vs total allowance for Daily/Hourly limits for Platform Events in my org?

My test:

I created a custom event MyEvent__e in sandbox and launched it via REST API in workbench, also subscribed to the event in workbench (this is a CometD client and counts as DurableStreamingApiConcurrentClients)

I'm checking limits consumption in '/services/data/v43.0/limits' but I don't see any change in numbers apart from DailyApiRequests.

Best Answer

Now with release Winter 21, you have a new feature which enables you to monitor it.


Obtain Usage Metrics for the Last 24 Hours

To get usage metrics for the last 24 hours, ending at the last hour, perform a query by specifying the start and end date and time in UTC, and the metric name. For the last 24-hour period, the end date is the current date in UTC, with the time rounded down to the previous hour. The start date is 24 hours before the end date. Dates have hourly granularity.

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