[SalesForce] How to parse nested objects in JSON response

Im trying to parse the below JSON response:


I can do this successfully if I create 3 classes with the third called 'en'. However I would like to avoid this as there may be other languages besides English. Is there a way to specify a key of 'en' to return the data within the 'en' object? I have tried JSON.deserialiseUntyped with Maps of String, Object but I just get the error:
System.TypeException: Invalid conversion from runtime type List<ANY> to Map<String, Object>

Here is the working class structure where I have hardcoded the class name "En":

public class countryLocale {
    public String preferredLanguage;
    public String preferredLocale;
    public Languages languages;

public class En {   
    public String langCountry;
    public String defaultLang;


public class Languages {
    public En en;

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I think you can address this effectively with a mix of collections and custom classes, like this:

public class countryLocale {
    public String preferredLanguage;
    public String preferredLocale;
    public Map<String, Locale> languages;
public class Locale {   
    public String langCountry;
    public String defaultLang;

That saves you from having to model each language statically as a property in a Languages class. Then, you can deserialize the data by doing

countryLocale l = (countryLocale)JSON.deserialize(
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