[SalesForce] How to pass id from javascript function to apex controller

Hi I am implementing live agent in our organization and I have created a visualforce page to get the object id focused in subtab. I am trying to pass the object id to my apex controller to use for case creation and other operations. Below is my code, in alert i am getting the record id but it is not passing it to apex controller.


<apex:page controller="ShowCaseInConsole" title=" End Chat Page ">
        var previousOnload = window.onload; window.onload = function()     
            if (previousOnload) { previousOnload(); }
    <apex:includeScript value="/support/console/33.0/integration.js"/> 
    <apex:form >
        <!-- <a href="#" onClick="endChat();return false;" >End Chat</a> --> 
        <apex:actionFunction name="testGetFocusedSubtabObjectId" action="{!Show}" onComplete="alert('After apex method');">
            <apex:param name="cid" value="" assignTo="{!ConId}"/>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function testGetFocusedSubtabObjectId() {

        var showObjectId = function showObjectId(result) {
            // Display the object ID
            alert ('Object ID: ' + result.id);


public PageReference Show() {
    String contactid= Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Cid');
    system.debug('contact id from javascript function---'+contactid);

How do I access the id? thank you for any help.

Below is the code for updated function for which I would like to return the value, in Alert I am getting the value but it is not returning it to action function.

     function primarytabid(){
    var showTabId = function showTabId(result) {

            //Display the primary tab IDs

            alert('Primary Tab IDs: ' + result.id);
            var primaryTab = result.id;
       function testGetDetailsByPrimaryTabId(primary) {
        var primaryTabId = primary;
        alert('set value to variable'+primaryTabId);
        sforce.console.chat.getDetailsByPrimaryTabId(primaryTabId, getDetailsSuccess); 

    function getDetailsSuccess(result) {
        //Report whether accepting the chat was succesful
       if (result.success == true) {
            chatKey = result.details.chatKey;
            alert('The chatKey for this chat is: ' + chatKey);
            var value=[];
            for (var i = 0; i < result.details.customDetails.length; i++) { 
            alert('The custom details : '+value.join(''));
        } else {
            alert('Getting the details was not Succesful');

I am calling PrimaryTabId() function here and in my action function I am calling AddcustomDetailValue(). how do I return value?

Best Answer

You just pass the value you want to set into the function when you call it:


Replace 'Id' with your object id. That will set the ConId property in your controller to the value you pass in and you'll able to access it using that.


You would do something similar to pass in the result of a function. Using your example it would be:

var showObjectId = function showObjectId(result) {
            // Display the object ID