[SalesForce] How to read the value from an input checkbox

I am not managing to read out the value of a checkbox in my lightning component. Please find my code below:

lightning component:

< label class="slds-checkbox">
        < input type="checkbox" aura:id="news" class="slds-input" checked="{!v.identityRequest.Newsletter__c}" onchange="{!c.onChange}" />
< span class="slds-checkbox--faux"></span>< /label>

apex controller:

onChange : function(component, event, helper) {
    var identityRequest     = component.get('v.identityRequest');

Best Answer

I believe you may just have the name of the event wrong. On the checkboxes, the event being sent is called change like this:

<ui:inputCheckbox aura:id="checkbox" label="Select?" change="{!c.onCheck}"/>

     onCheck: function(cmp, evt) {
         var checkCmp = cmp.find("checkbox");
         resultCmp = cmp.find("checkResult");
         resultCmp.set("v.value", ""+checkCmp.get("v.value"));


Keep me posted if that solved your issue. I went by the documentation and have not tested it myself.


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