[SalesForce] How to test access token for HTTP callouts

I have an access token for my HTTP callouts. How can I test it if I wanna use Static Resource? But I can also use the HttpCalloutMock Interface. it doesn't matter

My access token is in custom object. I just call fields in the method.

public static String accessToken(){
//Error is here:
    Token__c tok = [SELECT ConsumerKey__c, ClientSecret__c, Username__c, Password__c, SecurityToken__c
                            FROM Token__c 
                            WHERE Name = 'OurToken'];  
    String consumerKey = tok.ConsumerKey__c;
    String consumerSecret = tok.ClientSecret__c;
    String username = tok.Username__c;
    String password = tok.Password__c + tok.SecurityToken__c;
    String request = 'grant_type=password&client_id=' + consumerKey +'&client_secret=' + consumerSecret +
                     '&username=' + username + '&password='+password;
    return request;

I have my test, but it's write me an Error:

System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

static void testCallout() {
    Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MockHttpResponseGenerator());

    Http ourHttp = new Http();
    String requestBody = Callout.accessToken();  //error is here
    HttpRequest ourRequest = new HttpRequest();
    ourRequest.setEndpoint(System.Label.URL + '/services/oauth2/token');
    HttpResponse response2 = ourHttp.send(ourRequest);

Best Answer

in tests methods without seeAllData = true property of annotation @isTest only data created in test method and in methods annotated with @testSetup is visible. this is a copcept of test data isolation

you have to create tour Token__c record before invoking Callout.accessTokenBody(); in test.

static void testCallout() {
    Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MockHttpResponseGenerator());
    insert new Token__c(
        Name = 'OurToken',
    Http ourHttp = new Http();
    String requestBody = Callout.accessToken();  //error is here
    HttpRequest ourRequest = new HttpRequest();
    ourRequest.setEndpoint(System.Label.URL + '/services/oauth2/token');
    HttpResponse response2 = ourHttp.send(ourRequest);