[SalesForce] How to test to see if a field is encrypted using Shield Platform Encryption

If I encrypt fields with the Platform Shield Encryption, but still see the fields when I'm a different user how can I test to see if the encryption is working?

I understand it encrypts at rest so I created a new account after setting the fields I wanted to be encrypted.

Can all users in my org see the encrypted data?
Is it only people that some how break into my org that will see encrypted data?

I just want to be able to test out how things look when using the shield platform encryption on certain objects or when doing SOQL/SOSL.

Best Answer

The other thing is the setup gives you insight about the statistics around how much data is encrypted. https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.securityImplGuide.meta/securityImplGuide/security_pe_stats_gather.htm

The actual way is as Shane mentioned to destroy your key, this is something you should not do in your prod org but you can in a sandbox if you need to be convinced :)

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