[SalesForce] How to use a formula field to display both image and currency

I am attempting to display dollar amounts with an icon next to them in order to indicate if they are over/below a certain dollar amount.

So far the closest I can come to accomplishing this is a formula such as :

IF(currencyfield__c < currencyfield2__c,

Text(currencyfield__c) & IMAGE('/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=015550000000fff, Name) , 


But unfortunately since this will display the currencyfield__c as text no commas will appear in the currency to properly display thousands.

And apparently I can't solve this by making the formula field a currency field because then it won't properly display the image.

Any ideas ?

Best Answer

IMAGE("/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=01536000001fC4X", "US") + " US - Price: " +  TEXT(Value__c)

This gives me this result in my test organization:


So you can do what you asked in your question, but if you work with more than one currency, then you will need to have an IF next to the IMAGE tag to set the proper currency prefix.

Note: My locale is set to Brazil, and that's why it is displaying R$ as the currency, instead of $.