[SalesForce] How to use mavensmate v7.0

This morning, I got an error message in sublime editor saying that I need to have MavensMate Desktop installed and running and later realized that there was a new release for MavensMate-SublimeText released three days ago (My sublime might have auto upgraded to the latest release of MavensMate-SublimeText without my knowledge)

I had to install the MavensMate-Desktop which is now mandatory to use mavensmate plugin for sublime but looks like I always need to have two windows(MavensMate UI and Sublime) running to make any changes to a apex class or anything.

Am I missing something? or Is this how it is supposed to work?

Also how do I go back to the old release?

Note: I thought this is the right forum to post this kind of question rather than on the MavensMate github project..so please don't close as off-topic.

Best Answer

I ran into the same. I found Issue #769 instructive.

joeferraro commented on Apr 12
Hey guys, so it doesn't look particularly straightforward to support TLS 1.1 in the Python-based mm tool. In the meantime, we're recommending folks use the node-based betas: https://github.com/joeferraro/MavensMate-SublimeText#version-7-betas

hemmeter commented on Apr 12
Upgraded to version 7 betas did the trick


sameersheikh commented on Jun 27
@Jeremywhiteley - I have found how to do it ( I have done on my Mac Machine, so if you are on windows I believe its pretty much the same too)

When you get the error for TLS, the first thing you need to do is:

Step 1:
Go to Mavensmate tab on sublime Text --> Settings --> User Plugin Settings. Open it in sublime

On the file set the value true as shown in code below from the same file By default your machine will install the Mavensmate-app on the below default directories(I assume):

//set to true if you would like to automatically start MavensMate-app when Sublime Text opens
"mm_start_mavensmate_app" : **true,

// set to full path of MavensMate-app (MavensMate.app on OSX, MavensMate.exe on Windows, etc.)
"mm_mavensmate_app_location" : {
    "osx": "/Applications/MavensMate.app",
    "windows": "C:\\Program Files\\MavensMate.exe",
    "linux": ""

Step 2:
Download and Install Mavesmate-app from the url. Choose according to your operating system:


Step 3:
Once Installed, open the MavensMate app from the installed apps and go to the app Settings by click right top bars. Set your Workspace (Copy it exactly and change your name whereever you have installed it) : ["/Users/Jeremy.xyz/workspace"]

Once entered, click on the app anywhere to make sure it has saved the settings. Restart your sublime.

Please make a note that the Mavensmate app needs to be running along side your sublime in order to work. [my emphasis]

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