[SalesForce] How to use ‘query more’ using javascript remoting

I have an object with 50000 records in it, which I need to retrieve in chunks of 100 records per call/chunk.

I tried using OFFSET, but this way you can not call more than 2000 records.

Is there an example of how to use javascript remoting to do this? or maybe a different approach?

Best Answer

You can just be sneaky about it and have the system use "offset" for you:

@RemoteAction public static SObject[] getRecords(Id offsetId) {
    if(offsetId==null) {
        return [SELECT Id,Name FROM Contact ORDER BY Id ASC LIMIT 100];
    } else {
        return [SELECT Id,Name FROM Contact WHERE ID > :offsetId ORDER BY Id ASC LIMIT 100];

From here, you can then just query away happily:

function handleResult(result, event) {
    // handle a batch here
    // do more

This works even if you combine it with other criteria; you don't have to filter on Id alone. We're just using the ID to leverage the index and create our own pseudo-offset.

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