[SalesForce] How to write a trigger on opportunity

I am new to Salesforce . I am having a bit of problem wriiting a trigger, any help would be appriciated.

I want to Write a trigger that will set the name of an Opportunity record when it is created and when the fields below are updated. The opportunity name should contain the following, each separated by a space: Account Name,Owner Last Name, Opportunity Close Date.

trigger SetOpportunityName on Opportunity (before insert, before update) {
for (Opportunity op: Trigger.new) {
   op.Name = op.Account.Name+' '+Op.Owner.LastName+' '+op.ClosedDate;
   system.debug('*****************************' + op.Name);    

But I am getting op.Account.Name and Op.Owner.LastName values as null.

I know there is a mistake, Please guide me.

Best Answer

You need to query for those values since they don't come down natively in the trigger. Anything that is related will be null (like op.Account.Name)

So I would gather up all the account and OwnerIds and then do separate queries outside of the for loop (otherwise you will have other issues), and then loop again to set the values... Also the owner could be a group so this may be tricky :-P

Set<Id> ownerIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> AccountIds = new Set<Id>();
for (Opportunity op : Trigger.new) {

Map<Id, Account> accountMap = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :accountIds]);
Map<Id, User> userMap = new Map<Id, User>([SELECT Name, LastName FROM User WHERE Id IN :OwnerIds]);
Map<Id, Group> groupMap = new Map<Id, Group>([SELECT Name FROM Group WHERE Id IN :OwnerIds]);

String sName;
for (Opportunity op : Trigger.new) {

  // add the account name
  sName = accountMap.get(op.AccountId).Name;

  // add either the group or user name
  if (userMap.get(op.OwnerId) != null) {
    sName += ' ' + userMap.get(op.OwnerId).LastName;
  } else if (groupMap.get(op.OwnerId) != null) {
    sName += ' ' + groupMap.get(op.OwnerId).Name;

  // set the name :-)
  op.Name = sName;
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