[SalesForce] How tognore Unknown Json Properties in Apex

I'm doing a web service call, and parsing the json response into a wrapper object for display on a Visualforce page.

My wrapper object looks like:

public class CustomerAddresses {
    public String line1 {get; set;}
    public String line2 {get; set;}
    public String city {get; set;}
    public String state {get; set;}

My json parser looks like:

String fieldName = parser.getCurrentName();                
            if(fieldName == 'addr' && parser.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.START_ARRAY){
                while(parser.nextToken()!= JsonToken.END_ARRAY){
                        CustomerAddresses s = (CustomerAddresses)parser.readValueAs(CustomerAddresses.class);

and the json file looks something like:

               "line1":"11562 TEST DR",
               "city":"GARDEN GROVE",
               "line1":"123 TEST BLVD",
               "line2":"TREE HARBOR",

Here's my problem, if (in the future) someone adds another attribute to the json file, such as "zip" (see example below), then my class breaks because I can't create an object without the attribute being declared in the CustomerAddresses class. How can I ignore json attributes that aren't in my class CustomerAddresses?
Thank you in advance for any help with this!!

Ex: bad json file:

               "line1":"11562 TEST DR",
               "city":"GARDEN GROVE",

Best Answer

The documentation for readValueAs says (emphasis mine):

When deserializing JSON content into an Apex class in any API version, or into an object in API version 35.0 or later, no exception is thrown. When no exception is thrown, this method ignores extraneous attributes and parses the rest of the JSON content.

My reading of this is that your code should continue to work when extra JSON attributes are added. But I suggest you create a test case to ensure that the code does what the documentation says.