[SalesForce] HTTP Method ‘PATCH’ not allowed. Allowed are POST,DELETE,GET,HEAD

I have created a method to update the records in a case.

@RestResource(urlMapping= '/FieldCases/*')
global with sharing class RestCaseController {
    global static String caseUpdate(String caseId, String caseStatus, String caseNote){
        Case companyCase = [SELECT Id, Subject, Status, Description FROM Case WHERE Id = :caseId];

        companyCase.Status = caseStatus;
        companyCase.Description += caseNote;
        update companyCase;

        Return 'Updated';

and in work bench I am using


{"caseId" : "0037F00000bQYIjQAO",
 "caseStatus" : "Working",
 "caseNote" : "updating from the work bench"} 

but I am getting the below error

HTTP Method 'PATCH' not allowed. Allowed are POST,DELETE,GET,HEAD

Best Answer

Hey I tried it myself with workbench and it seems to be working for me, I am posting screenshots here:

Apex class

Workbench result

API Version could be the issue in your case, Try changing your Apex class to latest api version.