[SalesForce] In SOQL, how to get just the left N charactes for a compare

In SQL, I could to something like:

SELECT Id, Name, PostalCode FROM Account WHERE LEFT( PostalCode, 5 ) IN ('84117','84070'...)

How do I do something similar in SOQL? I see date functions and aggregate functions in the SOQL documentation but nothing on others.

I've tried the following but the query errors:

select Id, name from zip_code__c where name.left(5)  = '84070'

If someone can help with this, it sure would help.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Doug B's response has the answer. I'll show a simple snippet so you don't have to follow the link if you don't want to.

String[] filter = new String[]{'84117%', '84070%'};
Zip_Code__c[] zipList = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Zip_Code__c WEHRE Name LIKE :filter];