[SalesForce] Insufficient Privileges in Report Folder as Admin

So I am preparing to active enhanced report folder sharing and reviewing the existing folders. I run a query to grab a list of the existing reports:

Select Id, AccessType, DeveloperName, Name, Type From Folder

And I spot some folders with no name, or just a *. I grab the id and enter in the browser. Most end up as the out of the box folder but for two of the folders I receive:

Insufficient Privileges You do not have the level of access necessary
to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of
the record or your administrator if access is necessary

Now if if I had one for every user I would assume their were personal folders…but there are a lot more than two users.

I have raised a case with Salesforce, but I'm intrigued has anyone experience this before?

Just to add, if it helps, the AccessType is "Public" for both of them in the query result.

I've compared in a sandbox with the Enable access levels for sharing report and dashboard folders turned on and the same folders return in the query but still aren't accessible. Waiting on Salesforce support to see what they can tell me about the folders now.

Reviewing the results of query I have a sneaky suspicion that one of them is the unfiled public report folder. If you create a report on reports and include the folder the hyperlink for the unfiled public report folder takes you to the Company Information page…

Best Answer

So after a bit of time with Salesforce support it appears these folders are created as part of the original Salesforce org setup but are folders specific to territory management. As we currently do not have territory management activated the folders aren't accessible through the UI but are queryable so you can tell of their existence!

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