[SalesForce] invalid date – When changed date format from US to UK

I need some help with switching the format from DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY to ISO Standard (YYYY-MM-DD)in JavaScript. I'm using this on a custom URL Button.
This is what i'm doing, and It is working fine for US date formats but not working for EU dates. I get invalid date error.


var Lastdate = new  Date('{!ServiceContract.EndDate}'); 

How can I instantiate a Date when using a different locale?

Best Answer

Yes, it will give an issue due to locale.

So, better retrieve year, month and day portion from the date and create a Date instance based on those parameters.

It will solve locale related issues.


var month = '{!MONTH(ServiceContract.EndDate)}'; 
var year = '{!YEAR(ServiceContract.EndDate)}'; 
var day = '{!DAY(ServiceContract.EndDate)}'; 

var Lastdate = new Date (year, month, day); 

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