I keep getting this error when running a Test Class and I just don't know where to go from here. I've tried disabling Parrallel Apex Testing, running the code as a standard user, etc. I must be missing something and I hope that someone can look it over and see where I went wrong. I would really appreciate any help.

For background information, I work at a non-profit so we are using the latest NPSP.

This is the error message:

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, npsp.TDTM_Contact: execution of BeforeInsert

caused by: System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: null, Actual: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, Record Type ID: this ID value isn't valid for the user: 012j0000000KvvPAAS: [RecordTypeId]

: []

And here's the Test Class

public class Test_FillOtherAddress {
    static testMethod void insertContact() {

    //Add one contact to create household
    Contact con = new Contact(FirstName='TEST_FIRSTNAME', LastName='TEST_LASTNAME');
    insert con;

    string addressType = 'Work';
    string street = '123 Wooddale Ave';
    string state = 'DE';
    string postalCode = '1234567';
    string country = 'USA';
    //string householdRecordType='012j0000000AI7Q';

    npsp__Address__c add = new npsp__Address__c(
        //RecordTypeId = householdRecordType,
        npsp__Address_Type__c = addressType,            
        npsp__MailingStreet__c = street,
        npsp__MailingState__c =state,
        npsp__MailingPostalCode__c = postalCode,
        npsp__MailingCountry__c = country

    insert add;

    //Add another contact to test insert event trigger
    Contact con2 = new Contact(FirstName='TEST_FIRSTNAME2', LastName='TEST_LASTNAME',     AccountId=con.AccountId, Other_Address_Lookup__c=add.Id);

    insert con2;   
    Contact insertedContact = [SELECT OtherStreet FROM Contact WHERE Id = :con2.Id];
    System.assertEquals(street, insertedContact.OtherStreet);

My Trigger works fine, as far as I know:

trigger FillOtherAddress on Contact (before insert, before update) {  

    for(Contact c : Trigger.new){
        if(c.Other_Address_Lookup__c !=null){
            npsp__Address__c otherAddress = 
                [select npsp__Address_Type__c, npsp__Formula_MailingStreetAddress__c, npsp__MailingCity__c,  npsp__MailingState__c, npsp__MailingPostalCode__c, npsp__MailingCountry__c 
                 from npsp__Address__c where ID=:c.Other_Address_Lookup__c LIMIT 1];

            c.npe01__Secondary_Address_Type__c = otherAddress.npsp__Address_Type__c;
            c.OtherStreet = otherAddress.npsp__Formula_MailingStreetAddress__c;
            c.OtherCity = otherAddress.npsp__MailingCity__c;
            c.OtherState = otherAddress.npsp__MailingState__c;
            c.OtherPostalCode = otherAddress.npsp__MailingPostalCode__c;
            c.OtherCountry = otherAddress.npsp__MailingCountry__c;




Best Answer

I found on the PowerofUS hub an answer for this. Settings > Account > Record Types. Individual Type was disabled. When I enabled this, the error no longer happens.