[SalesForce] INVALID_ID_FIELD, WhatId is not available for sending emails to UserIds

I am trying to run below code in trigger.

List<User> recipients = [SELECT id FROM User WHERE UserRoleId=:operationsRole.Id];
for (User usr:recipients) 
  Messaging.SingleEmailMessage notification = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
   notification.setSenderDisplayName('SF Robot');

List<Messaging.SendEmailResult> postStats =
    Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {notification});
for (Messaging.SendEmailResult r:postStats)
    System.Debug('************postStat:' + r.isSuccess());


Best Answer

This error is because the method notification.setTargetObjectId(usr.Id) uses User Id and as per documentation you need to use notification.setWhatId(updatedOpp.Id) only when setTargetObjectId is contact.

Refer documentation below


If you specify a contact for the targetObjectId field, you can specify a whatId as well. This helps to further ensure that merge fields in the template contain the correct data.