[SalesForce] Is anyone getting deployment issues with Task object? New list views from 46 causing errors

When I'm trying to deploy the native Task object to another sandbox, I am getting errors:

  1. objects/Task.object (Task.CompletedTasks) — Error: Value too long for field: Name maximum length is:40 (line 193, column 16)
  2. objects/Task.object (Task.DelegatedTasks) — Error: Value too long for field: Name maximum length is:40 (line 222, column 16)
  3. objects/Task.object (Task.RecurringTasks) — Error: Value too long for field: Name maximum length is:40 (line 286, column 16)
  4. objects/Task.object (Task.UnscheduledTasks) — Error: Value too long for field: Name maximum length is:40 (line 334, column 16)

The errors are referring to Task list views that were recently as part of the Summer '19 release. Salesforce added a label to the list view metadata:


This is over 40 characters, so the deployment using the metadata API is throwing an error. Is anyone else having the same issue able to figure out what the problem is? Also, where would be some documentation on ENCODED for ListView labels?

I was able to do a mock deployment by manually editing the label in the metadata. The deployment succeeded

Best Answer

As mentioned by @Programmatic, this is a bug introduced in the Summer 19 release.

Go to: https://success.salesforce.com/issues_view?id=a1p3A0000003csn

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