[SalesForce] Is it possible to delete a record type through Metadata API

I'm deploying a destructiveChanges.xml file via Force.com Migration Tool to delete some listViews, Custom Fields, and Groups.

I determined we also can remove some record types from Cases. I received the error when I tried to deploy:

Error: Cannot delete record type through API

I'm not seeing that documented any where, and this is my first type attempting to use Force.com Migration Tool. Before adding record types to the destructiveChanges.xml file I had successful deployments, so I'm fairly certain I'm using it properly.


Best Answer

I did further research on the SFDC developer forums to see if anyone was able to get it actually delete a record type. The only response I received was:

I checked the access level for the RecordType object through the schema explorer. The following access levels were mentioned - createable, queryable, replicatable, retrieveable, updateable. It does not say that it is deletable through the api. Thus I think if you try to delete record type records from the record type pbject you will be receiving that error.

Based on that and the error I receive, I would assume the documentation is incorrect.