[SalesForce] Is it possible to import a dynamic custom label in LWC JS

Here's the situation as I understand it of what we want to do:

An lwc component is created that uses custom metadata to set the data inside the component. One of those things is a field with a value type of string with the name of a custom label (a label instead of string for internationalization/translation purposes). In the lwc component, we use that string value to then form the import call for the label so we have access to the data.

As I understand it, the way to import a custom label in LWC is at the top as an import, like so:

@import someLabel from '@salesforce/label/c.myLabelsName';

However, what we don't know what the label is called until we pull in the meta data text.
In aura this would be done something like this:

$A.getReference("$Label.c." + response.getReturnValue()[0].Tiles_Component__r.MasterLabel);

From what I've been able to google and poke around here, I'm not seeing a solution, but wanted to make sure I'm not missing something. Is there any way to do like aura can in LWC? And if not, this functionality is coming eventually correct?

Best Answer

The point of non-dynamic labels is to provide compile-time safety of labels, and prevent deletion/renaming of labels that would otherwise break code. As such, there's no real support for dynamic labels in LWC. There's no known timeline when, or if, this might become available.

One possible solution is to write a Visualforce page that accepts a parameter and returns the label. I came up with this idea independently while answering this question, but someone's already done the work, but I made it better, so here goes:


<apex:page sidebar="false"
    "value": "{!JSENCODE($Label[$CurrentPage.Parameters.label])}"

To use this, call it from a controller:

@AuraEnabled public Map<String, Object> getLabel(String lang, String label) {
  PageReference ref = Page.getLabel;
    new Map<String, String> {
      'lang' => lang,
      'label' => label
  return (Map<String, Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(ref.getContent().toString());

At this point, you can import the method, wire it up, however you'd like to use it, and you'll get your dynamic labels, just like you'd expect. However, keep in mind that you now need round-trip server calls, so use this sparingly.