[SalesForce] Issue while uploading CSV file with embedded comma within column

I am uploading CSV file using <apex:inputfile> in vf page.
CSV file contains 4 columns.

Scenario 1) When I try to upload a file without comma in any column, It gets uploaded without any error.

Scenario 2) When I try to upload a file with comma present inside column, It gives an error and doesn't get uploaded.

Then I realized that it considers text/data after comma as next column.

How can I avoid or tackle this error.

Below is my function :-

public Pagereference ReadFile()
        sourceid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');

nameFile= blobToString(contentFile,'ISO 8859-1');
      //  nameFile = contentFile.toString();
        filelines = nameFile.split('\n');
        importupload = new List<ZIS_Quote_Source__c>();
        for (Integer i=1;i<filelines.size();i++)
            String[] inputvalues = new String[]{};
            inputvalues = filelines[i].split(',');

            ZIS_Quote_Source__c a = new ZIS_Quote_Source__c();
            a.Item__c = inputvalues[0];
            String temp1;
            String temps =inputvalues[1].replaceAll('""','@SpaceStation');
            temps  =temps.replaceAll('"','');
            temp1 = temps.replaceAll('@SpaceStation','"');
            IF(temp1.length() >= 250){
                a.Item_Description__c = temp1.substring(0,249);
                a.Item_Description__c = temp1;
            a.Full_Description__c = temp1; 
            a.UOM__c = inputvalues[2];
            a.Final_Req__c = Double.valueof(inputvalues[3]);  
            a.Grouping__c = inputvalues[4];
            a.ZISQuote__c = sourceid;
        insert importupload;
        ApexPages.AddMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM,'Quote Source/s inserted successfully'));

        catch (Exception e)
            ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'An error has occured. Please check or try again later');
        return null;

Help would be greatly appreciated.


Best Answer

FWIW, this is a CSV parser with testmethods that I located from a blog post (which no longer exists) - There could easily be better ways of doing this but it handles embedded commas and double quotes. Code is ca. 2011. I've used this before

public without sharing class CsvReader {
    //  Csv Reader -- courtesy of http://blog.nicocrm.com/2011/03/06/parse-csv-file-in-salesforce-apex/
    //  Usage: Call Constructor with entire Csv Stream then call readLine to get array of string tokens for each line; first row will be header row. readLine returns null at end of stream

    private String      delim = ',';

    private String[]    buffer;                         // the input data for entire CSV file

    private Integer     maxInputLenToAvoidRegex;

    //  ------------------------------
    //  Constructors
    //  ------------------------------
    public CsvReader(String data){
        this.buffer = (data == null ? new List<String>() : data.split('\n'));

    public CsvReader(String data, String delim){
        this.buffer = (data == null ? new List<String>() : data.split('\n'));
        this.delim = delim;

    public CsvReader(String data, Boolean avoidRegexLimit, Integer maxInputLenToAvoidRegex) {
        //  avoidRegexLimit -- apparently, APEX throws an exception on xx.split('\n') when applied to a large file, so, to work around, build the buffer through recursive splitting
        //  reference: http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Apex-Code-Development/Pattern-and-Matcher-Question/m-p/135986
        this.maxInputLenToAvoidRegex=   maxInputLenToAvoidRegex != null ? maxInputLenToAvoidRegex : 262144;

        if (!avoidRegexLimit)   this.buffer = (data == null ? new List<String>() : data.split('\n'));
        if (data != null && avoidRegexLimit) {
            Integer pivot           = data.indexOf('\n',Integer.valueOf(Math.floor(data.length() / 2)) );       // determine first split point
            if (pivot > this.maxInputLenToAvoidRegex) {
                this.buffer         = new List<String> ();
                this.buffer = data.split('\n');
        else        // null data
            this.buffer = new List<String> ();  

    public String[] getBuffer() {return this.buffer;}

    //  -------------------------------------
    //  divideStringIntoLines (Recursive) - avoids regex too complicated exception on split('\n') when string is large
    //  -------------------------------------
    private void divideStringIntoLines(String inVal) {
        if (inVal == null || inVal.length() == 0) return;
        Integer pivot           = inVal.indexOf('\n',Integer.valueOf(Math.floor(inVal.length() / 2)) );     // determine if inVal is too large
        String  left;           
        String  right;
  /*    System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO,'divideStringIntoLines, inVal=' + inVal + 
                                        '   \npivot ='  + pivot);   */
        if (pivot != -1) {
            left                = inVal.substring(0,pivot);
            right               = inVal.substring(pivot);
/*      System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO,
                                        '   \nleft ='   + left +
                                        '   \nright ='  + right); */
            if (pivot < this.maxInputLenToAvoidRegex) {
                List<String>    leftLines   = left.split('\n');
                List<String>    rightLines  = right.split('\n');
                for (String sl: leftLines)
                    if (sl.length() > 0) this.buffer.add(sl);
                for (String sr: rightLines)
                    if (sr.length() > 0) this.buffer.add(sr);
            else {      // recurse as inVal's pivot is bigger than size that regex split can handle
        else {
            List<String> neitherLeftRightLines = inVal.split('\n');
            for (String s: neitherLeftRightLines)
                if (s.length() > 0) this.buffer.add(s); 


    //  -------------------------------
    //  readLine - returns array of csv tokens as strings; reads through buffer, removing from buffer as each line is located in toto. Return null if end of stream.
    //  -------------------------------
    public String[] readLine(){
        if(this.buffer.size() == 0) return null;
        String      line        = this.buffer.remove(0);        // grab first part of stream up to newline; remove from buffer
        String[]    parts       = new String[] {};              // result list of tokens for one line
        while(line != ''){
            Integer next = 0;
                line = line.substring(1); // strip initial "
                Integer quoteIndex = findQuote(line, 0);        // Look for closing " on same line
                while(quoteIndex == -1){                        //  not found, we must have a newline within a quoted token
                    if(buffer.size() == 0){
                        // EOT!
                        quoteIndex = line.length();
                    else {
                        // grab the next line and look to see if closing " can be found
                        Integer skip = line.length();
                        line += '\n' + this.buffer.remove(0);
                        quoteIndex = findQuote(line, skip);
                // we have a quoted token, advance to comma
                next = quoteIndex + 1;
                parts.add(line.substring(0, quoteIndex).replace('""', '"'));
            else {      // non-quoted token, token end is at delim
                next = line.indexOf(this.delim, next);
                if(next == -1)
                    next = line.length();
                // NB in Substring, "endindex" is the index of the character AFTER the last index to get
                parts.add(line.substring(0, next));
            if(next == line.length() - 1)
            // case of a terminating comma.
            line = next < line.length() ? line.substring(next+1) : '';
        if(parts.size() == 0)
            // empty string - we still want to return something...
        return parts;

    static private Pattern quotePattern = Pattern.compile('(?<!")"(?!")');

    //  -------------------------------------------------
    //  Helper: findQuote - find next quote " in line
    private Integer findQuote(String line, Integer skip){
        Matcher m = quotePattern.matcher(line);
        m.region(skip, m.regionEnd());
            return -1;
        return m.start();

    static testmethod void testSplitCsvSimple(){
        String line = 'abc,efg';
        String[] splitted = new CsvReader(line).readLine();
        System.assertEquals(2, splitted.size());

        System.assertEquals('efg', splitted[1]);
        System.assertEquals('abc', splitted[0]);

    static testmethod void testSplitCsvEOL(){
        String line = 'abc,';
        String[] splitted = new CsvReader(line).readLine();
        System.assertEquals(2, splitted.size());

        System.assertEquals('', splitted[1]);
        System.assertEquals('abc', splitted[0]);

    static testmethod void testSplitCsvQuotedSimple(){
        String line = '"abc,def"';
        String[] splitted = new CsvReader(line).readLine();
        System.assertEquals('abc,def', splitted[0]);

    static testmethod void testSplitCsvQuoted(){
        String line = '"abc,def",gh"i,"jk""l",""';
        String[] splitted = new CsvReader(line).readLine();
        System.assertEquals(4, splitted.size());
        System.assertEquals('gh"i', splitted[1]);
        System.assertEquals('abc,def', splitted[0]);
        System.assertEquals('jk"l', splitted[2]);
        System.assertEquals('', splitted[3]);

    static testmethod void testSplitCsvQuotedWithNewLine(){
        String line = '"abc,def\nBoo\nBoo",Test';
        CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(line);
        String[] splitted = reader.readLine();
        System.assertEquals('abc,def\nBoo\nBoo', splitted[0]);
        System.assertEquals('Test', splitted[1]);
        System.assertEquals(null, reader.readLine());
    static testmethod void testSplitCsvQuotedWithEOT(){
        String line = '"abc,def\nBoo';
        CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(line);
        String[] splitted = reader.readLine();
        System.assertEquals('abc,def\nBoo', splitted[0]);
        System.assertEquals(null, reader.readLine());

    static testmethod void testTabDelim(){
        String line = 'abc\tdef';
        CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(line, '\t');
        String[] splitted = reader.readLine();
        System.assertEquals('abc', splitted[0]);
    static testmethod void testSemiColonDelim(){
        String line = 'abc;def;';
        CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(line, ';');
        String[] splitted = reader.readLine();
        System.assertEquals('abc', splitted[0]);
        System.assertEquals('def', splitted[1]);
    static testmethod void testEmptyStrings(){
        String line = ',,,,';
        CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(line);
        String[] splitted = reader.readLine();
        System.assertEquals(5, splitted.size());
        for(String s: splitted){
        System.assertEquals('', s);

    // make sure we still get a result even if the source is empty...
    static testmethod void testEmptyString(){
        String line = '';
        CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(line);
        String[] splitted = reader.readLine();
        System.assertEquals(1, splitted.size());
        System.assertEquals('', splitted[0]);

    //  test that avoidRegexException recursive split works - lines reassembled in correct order, nothing lost

    static testMethod void testAvoidARegex() {

        //  test 00 - simple split with pivot len = 4
        String[]    expRes                      = new List<String> {'00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11'};
        String      line                        = '00\n01\n02\n03\n04\n05\n06\n07\n08\n09\n10\n11';
        CsvReader   reader  = new CsvReader(line,true,4);
        String[]    res     = reader.getBuffer();
        for (Integer i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
            System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO,'[' + i +'] ' + res[i]);
            System.assertEquals(expRes[i],      res[i]);

        //  test 01 - simple split with pivot len = 3 - to hit the \n       
        reader              = new CsvReader(line,true,3);
        res                 = reader.getBuffer();
        for (Integer i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
            System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO,'[' + i +'] ' + res[i]); 
            System.assertEquals(expRes[i],      res[i]);

        //  test 02 - simple split with pivot len = 1 - to hit everychar        
        reader              = new CsvReader(line,true,1);
        res                 = reader.getBuffer();
        for (Integer i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
            System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO,'[' + i +'] ' + res[i]); 
            System.assertEquals(expRes[i],      res[i]);

        //  test 03 - change length of each line
        expRes              = new List<String> {'000','01','002','03','0004','05','000006','07','08','009','10','11'};
        line                        = '000\n01\n002\n03\n0004\n05\n000006\n07\n08\n009\n10\n11';
        reader              = new CsvReader(line,true,5);
        res                 = reader.getBuffer();
        for (Integer i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
            System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO,'[' + i +'] ' + res[i]); 
            System.assertEquals(expRes[i],      res[i]);

        //  test 04 - use very large pivot > file size  

        reader              = new CsvReader(line,true,null);
        res                 = reader.getBuffer();
        for (Integer i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
            System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO,'[' + i +'] ' + res[i]); 
            System.assertEquals(expRes[i],      res[i]);

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