[SalesForce] Issue with Lightning:input and currency formatter (Aura Component and LWC)

I'm creating a lightning component with a lightning:input, but I have an issue with decimal places and currency formatter.

This is my code:

<lightning:input name="foo" value="foo" type="number" formatter="currency" step="0.01"/>

Without decimal places is saved correctly:

Input: 3
Saved value: 3.00

But with decimal places it saves a wrong value:

Input: 0.03
Saved value: 3.00

Another example:

Input: 4.32
Saved value: 432.00

What i'm doing wrong?



SOLVED! I wasn't serializing the list to JSON. Sending as JSON to the apex controller and deserializing in the apex controller solved the issue :).


I faced this issue again with a LWC datatable, and the solution is the same. Here is the code for anyone who needs it:



Apex Controller

public static void saveAccounts(String listAccounts){
        update (List<Account>)JSON.deserialize(listAccounts, List<Account>.class);

Best Answer

You can try this :<lightning:input name="foo" value="foo" type="currency" step="0.01"/>

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