[SalesForce] Javascript remoting not hitting apex

I'm trying to call an Apex function from a Visualforce page, but my Apex function isn't getting hit. What am I doing wrong?

I have this

        console.log('data is ',data);

Which is supposed to call this:

public with sharing class RecordingTest {

    public static String saveRecording(String data) {
        System.debug('hit save recording' + data);
        return Connector.saveRecording(data);

But the System.debug line never gets hit.

I've also tried it this way

        console.log('data is ',data);

with the same result.

For this method, using !$RemoteAction instead of, or in front of ct_4_sf gives me compilation errors. Removing ct_4_sf(which is the namespace under Setup > Create > Packages), from the first method doesn't help.

I'm not getting any errors in the console or anywhere else.

Best Answer

The problem is with this line right here:


You should be using the $RemoteAction merge value, like this:


This automatically takes care of your namespacing problems, too.

Your controller won't be available unless you include it as a controller or extension on the page. You don't automatically get all remote actions for free.

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