[SalesForce] JSONParser class – separate fieldName from fieldType

using the JSONParser class i've implemented the following code:

String data = '{"Asset__c": "abc123","Opening_Speed__c": "50",  "Closing_Speed__c": "50"}';

    JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(data);


    //advance to the next token
    while (parser.nextToken() != NULL) {

        String fieldName = parser.getCurrentName();
        String fieldValue = parser.getText();

        System.debug('Current token is: ' + parser.getCurrentToken() + 
                    ' and FieldName is: ' + fieldName +
                    ' and FieldValue is: ' + fieldValue);


And this returns the following lines in the debug statements.
System.Debug output

I can't understand why it's setting the fieldName and the fieldValue variables with the FIELD_NAME the first time through, then setting them as expected (name and value populated correctly) on the second pass…

I've tried adding an IF(parser.getCurrentToken() == 'FIELD_NAME') test in there to separate the setting of fieldName from fieldValue but that throws a type error – cannot compare JSONToken to String… but can't cast that JSONToken to String to do that either..

Obviously, something simple i'm missing here…

Best Answer

JSONToken is a type of Enum. You can't cast an Enum to a String, but you do have two alternatives.

The preferred alternative is to use the literal Enum token:

if(parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.VALUE_STRING) {
    // code here

Otherwise, you could also choose to use name to convert an Enum to a String:

if(parser.getCurrentToken().name() == 'VALUE_STRING') {
    // code here

I would strongly advise that you don't do this, because using an Enum token directly avoids the possibility that you'll make a typo in the string.

Also, keep in mind that the token may be one of several types of values, such as VALUE_NULL or VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT. See the first link in this answer for the possible values you may encounter while parsing JSON.

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