[SalesForce] Junction Object to create many to many relationship between Tasks and Accounts

I need to create a many to many relationship between Tasks and Accounts. The goal here is to relate many Accounts to a single Task – and also be able to report on this cleanly – ex: "User(assignedTo) met with Contact(WhoId) and discussed Account1, Account2, Account3 and Account4."

I understand the Activities object cannot be related to via lookup or master detail relationship, so instead as a workaround would I be able to use the Contact object? So, Contact being the parent and Account being the child on my Junction object?

Am I thinking about this approach correctly and would it still allow for me to use standard reporting with the example I mentioned above?

Please let me know if I can provide any more information, Thanks!

Best Answer

Your question seeks to relate a task/event to ONE Contact and MANY Accounts... and this is currently not possible.

Many Contacts (and, by extension, each of their Accounts) is possible, but to relate it to one Contact and to many non-Contact objects is not available.

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